In a previous post I showed how to add type-checking and unit tests to Firebase cloud code (cloud functions and database rules). Those tests are independent from any Firebase environment and independent from each other. We should be able to run them all quickly and consistently in a clean Node.js environment with a single command. We should also be able to chain that command with others so that we can build, test, and deploy each code commit directly into a live Firebase environment.

Here are the steps we want to automate:

  1. Download project source
  2. Download project dependencies
  3. Compile project
  4. Run all tests
  5. Stop if any test fails, otherwise continue
  6. Deploy (cloud functions and database rules) to a Firebase environment
  7. Write a deployment summary to our Firebase environment (Git info, date, test results)

We’ll assume we have a machine with Node.js and Git installed. This could be a developer machine or a dedicated continuous integration server (I try to make the execution identical for either if I can). The first three steps are pretty straightforward from the command line:

git clone folder-name
npm install

Now that we have a compiled project environment, we can use Typescript/Javascript to handle the rest of our steps. From the command line, node can execute a function from a local file like this:

node -e 'require("./build.js").runAllTests()'

Now let’s implement a function to run all our tests:

export async function runAllTests() : Promise<testresultsentity> {
    const Mocha = require('mocha');
    const mocha = new Mocha();
    const results = new TestResultsEntity();
    return await new Promise<testresultsentity>((resolve, reject) => {
            .on('pass', (test) => { results.passed++; })
            .on('fail', (test, err) => { results.failed++; })
            .on('end',  () => { resolve(results) });

Here I’m use the Mocha API to point to our test files, run them, and keep track of how many pass and fail. Let’s write a deploy function that grabs the test results and handles our last three steps:

export async function deploy()  {
    const testResults = await runAllTests();
    const gitSummary = await getGitSummary();
    const summary = `${testResults.getSummary()} on ${getDateSummary()} from ${gitSummary}`;

    if (testResults.hasFailures()) {
        console.log('Deploy failed');
    } else {
        await asyncCommand(`firebase deploy --only functions,database`);
        await asyncCommand(`firebase database:set /lastDeploy -d '"${summary}"' -y`);
        console.log('Deploy succeeded');


In the else clause above we run two Firebase CLI commands. The first command deploys our code to the currently configured Firebase environment. The second command writes a record to the database of that environment with a summary of our deployment. This makes it easy for anyone on the team to see:

  1. what code is deployed,
  2. when it happened,
  3. and the results of the tests.

To pull all of this together into a single command, we’ll use the package.json file to set up an npm script:

"scripts": {
   "deploy": "npm install && tsc && node -e 'require(\"./build.js\").deploy()'"

Now we can run all steps with these two commands:

git clone folder-name
npm run deploy

Finally, here’s the ancillary code referenced by the deploy() and runAllTests() functions above:

export async function getGitSummary() : Promise<string> {
    const gitSha = await asyncCommand("git rev-parse --short HEAD");
    const gitBranch = await asyncCommand("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD");
    return Promise.resolve(`${gitSha.trim()}-${gitBranch.trim()}`);

function getDateSummary() : string {
    return new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: 'America/Chicago' }).trim();

const exec = require('child_process').exec;
function asyncCommand(command : string) : Promise<string> {
    return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
        exec(command, function(error, stdout, stderr){ resolve(stdout); });

export class TestResultsEntity {
    passed : number = 0;
    failed : number = 0;

    getSummary() : string {
        return `${this.passed}/${this.failed+this.passed} tests passed`

    hasFailures() : boolean { return this.failed != 0 }
